Monday, December 18, 2006

The Techies 'i' ....Who own's it?

iPod, iTunes, iMac are all brands of Apple, it would appear like they have the rights to the iBrand, however with the recent launch of the iPhone it is clear that isn't the case. The iBrand has outgrown Apple and now can be considered a public domain branding tool for all to use.

The iPhone brand rights have belonged Cisco Systems, Inc since 2000, though Apple owned the domain since 1999. And now Linksys, a subsidiary of Cisco has recently released it's newest product under this brand--a revolutionary product which could very be considered a destructive technology to the Telecommunication industry.

This techies i is a sought after brand in the Silicon Valley. Public companies to individual bloggers such as iFaqeer have used it. If you do a basic Google search, you will find many other products which have used the techies i, like iGive, iTools, iVillage, iFilm, iRobot

So who owns this techiies i? Apple? Apparently not, it is surely a public domain branding tool and can be appended before any other brand name like how about iGoogle, or iYahoo, or iCisco, or iPepsi. The point is, anyone or any corporation can use this techies i. So whomever is looking to enhance their brand image can do so by piggy backing on Apples with the use of the techies i.

Copyright 2006

1 comment:

iFaqeer said...

Well, I have been using my online nick since about 1995 or so--long before the iMac or the iPod were a glimmer in Apple's eye...and I think before even began thinking of

