Thursday, March 29, 2007

Silicon Valley silhouette...BOOMing or BUSTing

Silicon Valley, the High-Tech hub of the world. Technology is what drive the Valley from the individual contributors to the multi national corporations, all reap the harvests of a BOOMing economy. The Valley's back engine is kept running by a select group of smart engineers and entrepreneurs. Things seem to be abuzz again here with Web2.0 startup's popping up in every nook and cranny of the Valley, with backing of the whose who in the Valleys' private equity circle.

On the surface of things it would appear like that the Valley is coming back to life after its long slumber which began 4 years ago with the dot-com bust. But is the latest round of prosperity reaching the vast majority? As we don't only have entrepreneurs and top ranking CxO's residing here. How are the middle income workers and families fairing? Are they also enjoying BOOM time in the Valley?

According Channel5 CBS EyeWitness news the middle class in the Silicon Valley is worse of now than in the year 2000. According a new labor report prepared by Working Partnership U.S.A. shows that the vast majority of low and medium income are struggling to make ends meet.

This squeeze is not only experienced by the low and middle income Valleiites, but is also effecting life for your techies with an average take-home pay in the ball park of six-fugures. As the cost of living in this Valley has been on an exponential rise. Take the recent gasoline price hike to more than $4 per gallon at many Bay Area gas stations, which is above the National norm.

Copyright C. 2007

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