Friday, March 30, 2007

RSS Feeder...feeding the Genie...SYNDICATING your FEEDS!

FeedGenie , operated by Arwanah LLC a Silicon Valley startup is a real RSS Feed Processor. It contains functions to find, subscribe, and upload RSS feeds. Feeds are stored in a hierarchical folder structure with the ability to create local feeds. Users can set feed sample rate can can assign search key words and extract feeds in user defined folders. It is capable of extracting podcasts, mp3, video, pictures etc. from RSS feeds and move them to folders unattended. A download manager which is integrated within FeedGenie does this. A monitor gives the status of multiple reads, space, searches and genie icons change color to show the progress. This tool is targeted to as an individual business intelligence tool, not just a feed reader.

You can download the professional FeedGenie feed processor and try one month of extended functions and features. If a license in not purchased it will turn into standard FeedGenie which has more functionality than most free readers.

Cpyright C. 2007 Rabita Technologies Inc
TechRabita and TheBuzz are trademarks of Rabita Technologies,Inc

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Silicon Valley silhouette...BOOMing or BUSTing

Silicon Valley, the High-Tech hub of the world. Technology is what drive the Valley from the individual contributors to the multi national corporations, all reap the harvests of a BOOMing economy. The Valley's back engine is kept running by a select group of smart engineers and entrepreneurs. Things seem to be abuzz again here with Web2.0 startup's popping up in every nook and cranny of the Valley, with backing of the whose who in the Valleys' private equity circle.

On the surface of things it would appear like that the Valley is coming back to life after its long slumber which began 4 years ago with the dot-com bust. But is the latest round of prosperity reaching the vast majority? As we don't only have entrepreneurs and top ranking CxO's residing here. How are the middle income workers and families fairing? Are they also enjoying BOOM time in the Valley?

According Channel5 CBS EyeWitness news the middle class in the Silicon Valley is worse of now than in the year 2000. According a new labor report prepared by Working Partnership U.S.A. shows that the vast majority of low and medium income are struggling to make ends meet.

This squeeze is not only experienced by the low and middle income Valleiites, but is also effecting life for your techies with an average take-home pay in the ball park of six-fugures. As the cost of living in this Valley has been on an exponential rise. Take the recent gasoline price hike to more than $4 per gallon at many Bay Area gas stations, which is above the National norm.

Copyright C. 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

SoundTagr...The YouTube for user generated Audio files...

soundtagr was first conceptualized back in December of 2006 by a well known serial entrepreneur of Pakistani-Canadian decent. His first startup is the successful web2.0 venture, based in the Silicon Valley and backed by Alloy Ventures and Sevin Rosen Fund, two of the Valley's well known and reputed Venture Capital firms.

The original concept that the founder, Khalid Shaikh shared with me over a delectable lunch at Shalimar-Sunnyvale in the early part of December 2006 centered around creating a site for user generated Audio files, and so the reason for the domain, registered at However, if you visit the site now you will find that the scope has been extended to include all sorts of files and thus we get filetagr.

The underlying idea behind filetagr is: web sites are generating millions in company revenue from user generated content, but the person creating that content never gets a share of that revenue. So filetagr intends to give the revenue back to the user.

So how does it work? After a user subscribes to filetagr they have an option to upload a file to share. Whether it be audio files, video or event documents the type of file is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is once you upload your file, you are given a unique URL to share with your social network of friends and co-workers. For each click from a unique IP address you will earn around $0.01.

To learn more about filetagr visit the filetagr blog.

Copyright C. 2007 Rabita Technologies Inc
TechRabita and TheBuzz are trademarks of Rabita Technologies,Inc

Friday, March 09, 2007

TellAPal: A Real World Referal System....

While LinkedIn gets all the glory for professional social networking, there is another fairly new professional social networking site, Tell-A-Pal is based on a simple premise: If you are a service oriented business or professional, your greatest source of new customers are your existing customers. So why not reward your existing customers for referring new customers? It makes sense. Tell-A-Pal is a service that helps other businesses setup a referral reward program.

Tell-A-Pal is a privately held company in the Silicon Valley, it is in the online referral business of facilitating businesses and professionals to reward existing customers for referring new customers. There site is currently down, though a few months back at a social gathering I was introduced by a common friend to the founder Faisal Qureshi, formerly from Sun Microsystem's, Faisal hinted at some exciting new developments along the lines of a social commerce site being developed.

Tell-A-Pal will be launched from one of the following domains which are currently parked and hosted by Yahoo-Inc.

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TechRabita and TheBuzz are trademarks of Rabita Technologies,Inc